1) 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities. Which means 80% of the time... you are wasting time. Observe yourself.
2) Start your morning the night before: clothes (especially for girls!), socks (for guys!), shoes, whether the mobile needs charging, food (my priority), any charts, spreadsheets, people profiles to be looked at - being organised in general.
3) Learn how to say NO. How many times I have kindly accepted requests that wasted hours, even days of my time. What for?
4) To get more done in less time, we have to make choices. It's your life.
5) When it comes to 'perfecting tasks', second best in operation is better than first best on the to-do list.
6) Keep reading materials handy. "I'll just pop to the bank for 5 minutes to check something. 45 minutes later..." - for that type of situations.
7) Get your sleep. When you're rested you can do one thing after the other - bam, bam, bam! Just like that! When you're tired, you're just pretending to be productive and make more mistakes.
8) Don't worry. It's natural, but you can shorten the time between when you start worrying and when you begin doing something about it.
9) To get your point across, limit your sentences to 15 words. And remember the 5 second rule when in person.
10) Separate major things from minors. "A lot of people don't do well simply because they major in minor things" - Jim Rohn.